Monday, October 8, 2018

In Which We Institute the Winter Wellness Plan

Our youngest's bout with tonsillitis recently made me realize it was time to act like it was fall as far as germs are concerned, even if the weather does not know it's fall.

Today it was actually NOT 90 degrees. The girls and I went on a walk after lunch. It was very nice outside. I felt horrible all day, however. I mean, I went to bed at 10:30 last night, which is a very reasonable time. And still I managed to lay down at lunch time and take a quick nap. All day I just looked longingly at the bed. Finally when school was over, we ran by Sonic and I got a tea. Then we met some folks at the Internet Swap Spot at our local police station and sold some curtains I had listed on FB Marketplace. Then, because I didn't want to go home, we drove around a bit. The whole time I was sipping my tea.

And I felt so much better when we got home. Was it getting out of the house? Or was it the caffeine? I think I know the answer. I've let myself get addicted again. Anyway, we'll see how I feel tomorrow and I won't wait that long to get a drink, if needed. Of tea, mind you.

So about that germ plan. Here it is, in a nutshell:

2. Take probiotics daily
3. Take elderberry syrup daily
4. Use Immune Strength essential oils
5. Drink lots of water

I'm allowing the older two girls to be responsible to do these things on their own. I'm not sure they've remembered today. I also need to make the elderberry syrup. My glass bottles came today. I ordered these.  I use these elderberries (affiliate link). I make the elderberry syrup using this recipe. And I make mine in my off-brand instant pot. I've been very pleased with it--and it's on sale right now! (affiliate link)

Immune Strength is Rocky Mountain Oils (not an affiliate link) version of Thieves or On-Guard (two other popular essential oil companies versions). I've been using their oils since back when the company was still called Native American Nutritionals. I did my research prior, and I've always been pleased. They are much more affordable than others and they work for us very well. Other brands are good too, but they are not possible for us financially.

Also, I am working to be sure the house--particularly the kitchen and bathrooms--stay clean! The youngest daughter will have the job of wiping down all the light switches and doorknobs a few times a week. I am not a germaphobe. But in the cold and flu season, we take some extra precautions. I definitely think you can over-clean your house, but we aren't there. (Not even close!)

We have a lot of fun things planned in the upcoming months and we want to all be able to enjoy them! And that reminds me, I wanted to make a chain so that we could tear off one link a day to count down to some of this fun stuff! Gotta get on that.

How does your family stay healthy?

Signing off,

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In Which We Have to Get Healthy

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