Thursday, September 6, 2018

There's No Tired Like Thursday Tired


We have co-op on Thursdays. If you don't know, co-op stands for "something I don't want to do but would be really good for my kids."

Not really. I resisted joining co-ops for years but finally gave in. Co-op actually stands for "cooperative" and that part means "parents do all the teaching."

Which means I'm really tired on Thursdays. Because,'s a fine arts co-op. And since I can't read music, they don't want me teaching choir, or music, or band.

And so, I get to use that degree in Early Childhood my parents paid for. I really like teaching the preschool class. The preschool world is where I belong. It's so ridiculously easy for me to come up with activities for that age group. And really, the morning is not what wears me out.

Our 6 year old got to hold the flag today at our co-op morning meeting. 
We eat a really quick lunch (reminds me of being a teacher in public school) and then it's off to 5th period. THAT period is the end of me. I'm only the assistant in that class, but it's late, the kids are tired, they aren't listening the way I'm sure they did earlier in the morning, and I feel like a bouncer. The period lasts about 10 minutes longer than any of our thresh holds.

But we are home now. The first few weeks I just came home and fell asleep. I wonder if I'm getting too old for this gig? I better buck up because my girls love co-op and we have many more years there.

So now the only thing left to do is unload the car. I usually put this off as long as possible. It's full of all manner of junk---my rolling crate, a ton of library books, my flannel board, a giant stuffed bear, the girls' backpacks, and all of our water bottles.

I did, however, bring in the lunch kit and clean it out.

So I'm doing 50% better than last week already.

But I'm too tired to care.

Signing off,

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