Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The First Day

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Today was our first day back to school for the new year! Our theme this year is:

Looking Forward to a Fantastic Year! In addition to the large googly eyes on the chalkboard, I added a lot of eyes around the room. The girls were cracking up.

Eyes on buckets, eyes on our apple, eyes on the doors...

Eyes everywhere!

We had a special breakfast.

Eyes on the cups. Hee hee

And took our annual back-to-school pictures.

One thing we did this morning was go on a scavenger hunt. They had to read a map of our house (that my husband drew--thanks honey!) and follow the clues to find a treat.
Finding clues.

18 year old sister helped me hide them. 

Opening their new maps
I got them both Scrunch Maps since we are studying Geography. We did a little geography this morning too.

The 14 year old had a clarinet lesson this morning so the 6 year old and I hung out at the park while we waited for her. We found some Kindness Project Rocks while we were there. It was very cool. Now the girls want to join in on that project.

We found 2 more after these!
After lunch, we did some math and called it a day. Everyone was tired from the snap decision we made last night to drive to the ocean and eat. So, early bedtimes for everyone tonight!

Later in the afternoon a friend came knocking to play and we all rode our bikes to the local school to play on the playground. It was hot. It took me about an hour to cool down. I bet I burned so many calories though!

Tomorrow we'll try to get a bit more done. It was a great first day back.

Signing off,

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